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Main Level MenuThe Level menu was originaly created by Virtus Viper.
With some slight modifications, I have implemented 15 levels, along with titles, and the player can choose to have their title shown on their PD or not.
Also, the player can choose NOT to use the leveling system, for those that do not like it.

Please note...the level system is totally optional.
Level Menu - Raise StatI have added the ability to raise stats and skills based on a points gained from leveling up.
The player gets 3 points to start, and additional points for every level they gain. These points can be used for all stats, and prime skills for their chosen class.

Some players have asked for more information, and as requested, I have provided.
Keep in mind, this is for reference only, and may no longer be accurate.

0 0 3
1 1,000 3
2 2,000 3
3 4,000 3
4 8,000 3
5 16,000 4
6 30,000 4
7 50,000 4
8 80,000 5
9 130,000 5
10 200,000 6
11 350,000 6
12 550,000 7
13 850,000 8
14 1,200,000 9
15 1,700,000 10

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