Creating and becoming a Drow:
All players who wish to join the Qu'ellar must begin a new with a brand new character. No character that is previously developed will be allowed to enter the guild, unless their is sufficient role-play background available. Before creating a character the player must contact a guild leader with their intentions, either through ICQ, mIRC, of the new members section of our Message Board. Once the player has come in contact with a member, then a new Drow can be created. Drow have black skin (or in our case, very dark brown). And their hair is extremely white( or very light grey), which can be of most styles. Drow are proud of their appearance, and nice hair is something Drow like. Topknots, receding, and Mohawk would be considered outlandish.
As for the initial allocation of stat points and skills, this is really up to you. It is suggested that you allocate at least 30-40 strength points, cause it won't be fun spending your time as a ghost. Historically, Drow are naturally good at hiding, have an inherent resistance to magic, and possess some skill at magery. Resist and Magery are good initial investments if you don't have any other hard skills to develop.
Once you create your character, which is located in Felucca, you should make your way to our guild-holdings on the surface. A map can be found here. Once you arrive and find a member, you will undergo a short evaluation. The small test covers character creation details, as well as the information contained on the site. After that you will probably be sponsored onto the guild stone as a Wanre. This is your initiation period. It serves two purposes, to help you develop your character (Skills and persona), meet with other members, and gives you enough time to decide if you want to become a full fledged member. It also gives the leaders a chance to evaluate your role-playing abilities.
Keep in mind you can be removed from the stone for any reason during this time.
In order to move onto rank two, the lowest rank of full members, each character must complete a small series of tests to assure the leadership of some basic skills, abilities, and RP attitude. All members, not just leaders, will be watching you as your a Wanre. You should be tested by the appropriate caste leader, or any of the various leaders. The initiation period will last anywhere from a week to one month, and the following must be completed before the Wanre will be promoted:
1. Achieve a reasonable level skill wise in the appropriate skill groups. (60-70)
2. Be minimally capable of surviving in RP battles.
3. Participate in at least one RP event with other Drow.
4. Demonstrate the ability to respect your fellow players, Drow and otherwise.
5. Post a short introduction on our forums, as well as post a role-playing story of some sort. You will need to set up a forum account. If you need help writing a story, ask for it. The story can either be an in-game account of what happened, or a entirely fictional account.
Naming your Drow:
Since this is the first thing another player will see when dealing with your character, choosing a name is a very important part of the process. Your character will not be allowed in the guild with an inappropriate name. (Leet Killah, CaPt SpAnkY, Darkbringer). Ask before you create the character, if you are unsure about a name. Try to avoid a combination of Drow words as a name, although that's just preference.
Female names: Akordia, Aluaniira, Alystin, Angaste, Ardulace, Aunrae, Baltana, Belarbreena, Briza, Burryna, Chalithra, Charinida, Chessintra, Dhaunae, Dilynrae, Drisinil, Eclavdra, Elvanshae, Elvanshalee, Elveraema, Erelda, Faeryl, Felyndiira, Filaere, Gaussra, G'deldrria, Ginafae, Greyanna, Haelra, Halavin, Halisstra, Ilivarra, Ilmra, Imrae, Inidil, Irae, Irruit, Iymril, Hganniss, Jhaelryna, Jhulae, Jyslin, Laele, Larynda, Lirdnolu, Lualyrr, Malice, Maya, Micarlin, Minolin, Molyvayas, Myrymma, Nathrae, Nedylene, Nyliira, Olorae, Pellanisstra, Phaere, Phyrra, Quarra, Quave, Quilue, Rauva, Rilrae, Sabal, ShriNeerune, Shurdriira, Shyntlara, SiNafay, Ssaspriina, Talabrina, Talice, Triel, T'risstree, Ulviirala, Umrae, Viconia, Vierna, Vlondril, Waerva, Wuyondra, Xullrae, Xune, Yasraena, Zarra, Zebeyana, Zesstra, Zilvra.
Male names: Adinirahc. Alak, Alton, Amalica, Antatlab, Baragh, Belgos, Berg'inyon, Bhintel, Bruherd, Calimar, Chaszmyr, Dinin, Dipree, Divolg, Drizzt, Duagloth, Durdyn, Elkantar, Filraen, Gelroos, Ghaundan, Gomph, Hatch'net, Houndaer, Ilmryn, Ilphrin, Istolil, Ranaghar, Istorvir, Jarlaxle, Jeggred, Kalannar, Kelnozz, Krenaste, Krondorl, Lesaonar, Lyme, Malaggar, Masoj, Merinid, Mourn, Nalfein, Nilonim, Nym, Ghaundar, Omareth, Orgoloth, Pharaum, Quevven, Quild, Relonor, Riklaunim, Rizzen, Ryld, Ryltar, Sabrar, Seldszar, Shar, Nadal, Solaufein, Tarlyn, Tathlyn, Tebryn, Tluth, Tsabrak, Urlryn, Valas, Vorn, Wuzlyn, Welverin, Wode, Yazston, Zaknafein
Drow, evil black skinned elves. Their culture is that of a matriarchal one, meaning that the females hold all positions of power. They worship Lolth, the Spider Queen, and harming a spider is punishable by death. Some Drow worship other deities, but this would be incredibly dangerous as any Lolth worshiping Drow would kill the heretic on site. They dwell in the depths of the earth. Light is blinding to their sensitive eyes.
They are able to see perfectly in pitch black darkness. Distrustful of everything, including there own kind. This race is evil, forever plotting to gain power, prestige, and wealth. They have no sentiments for killing another being except the consequences that can come from that. The racial name for the Drow is the Ilythiiri. The Drow virtues are those of deceit and malice. Drow look with contempt upon any non-drow, except for their occasional allies.
Physical Characteristics:
Drow have white hair, ranging from stark white to grey-white.
Drow have black skin.
They commonly have very pale eyes in shades of pale lilac, silver, pink, and blue.
They tend to be smaller and thinner than most elves.
As a offshoot race of elves, Drow have little to no facial or body hair.
Drow vary in shape, features, as greatly as humans do. The only exception to this rule is their uniformly jet-black skin. The majority of drow have snow-white hair from birth, yellowing (if female) or graying (if male) and thinning with great age. Rare drow have naturally silver or copper-hued hair, although there are those who deliberately dye their hair silver. Most drow have red eyes. Others have green, brown, or black. Various shades of gray, even amber and rose-hued eyes are not unknown. All drow eyes tend to grow redder when they are angry or upset. Yellow eyes usually denote illness, disease, poisoning, or the presence of certain detrimental magics. Blue and purple (and all the tints thereof) are the most unusual eye colors, and usually denote human or surface elven blood somewhere in the drow's ancestry. Drow females tend to be bigger and stronger than males. Both sexes tend to be little, slim, and graceful in build, features, and movements, much as other elves appear to human eyes.
Drow eyes can see heat patterns in air and rock thanks to their 120' range infravision. Against a dim gray 'cold' stone backdrop, progressively warmer hues show as subtle blue, purple, red, and warm yellow. The warmth comes from hot springs, magma. seeping water, and fissure-breezes. Drow learn to use the 'shadows' of these varying hues for concealment when stalking, in much the same way as a surface creature uses the shadows produced by the sun, moon, and other light sources. Like surface dwellers, drow must learn to 'read' heat-hues; the meanings of various shades and patterns become known to drow only through teaching or experience 'in the field.' Near areas of drow habitation in the Underdark, the varying heat-hues of the natural Underdark are blurred by the higher ambient heat of many gathered, living beings and their activities.
Drow cities also sport magical glows, a few actual lights (notably the sharp, foreign to-most-drow radiances of the candles of studying wizards and important rituals to Lolth), and the far more common continual faerie fire glows that highlight drow sculpture. Drow are proud of the beauty of their designs, and usually outline the most Impressive works with this spell. Drow hearing is highly developed. In the Underdark, one learns to find water by timing the echoes of dripping or running water, and to detect coming rock shifts or collapses by listening for the natural grating and groaning sounds of unshaped rock. Drow have long, slender, sensitive fingers, and a highly-developed tactile sense. In addition to their silent language of gestures, stances, and expressions, they are able to read subtle, brail-like "secret signs" left on rock walls, message stones, and other places by fellow drow. The drow sense of smell. however, is not so acute. The all-pervasive smell of the rock and damp air all around, tainted by ever-present mold and fungus spores and the scent of drow and slave bodies, is a strong background. Most drow have been exposed to strong incense and offering-burnings since infancy, which further serves to dull the olfactory sense. Drow still enjoy perfume, incense, and the like, but their smell is only about as acute as that of most humans-far less than that of many native inhabitants of the Underdark.
Your Character:
Generally speaking, your character will be a Drow from a defunct house seeking refuge on the surface. Or, possibly your character is a forward from some abandoned Underdark city. How long has your character been on the surface? You first job is to create a believable character using the above ideas as guides. Every Drow is evil but try to be more specific; is your character physiologically manipulative? Does she use the threat of physical violence to get her way? Do you hoard secrets? To what degree does your character hate humans; are you willing to work with them for personal gain? Does your characters feelings get easily hurt? Give your character something to make them special.
You must be willing to follow cultural norms, remember, Drow females rule over the males. This has been slammed into the males head since birth. Males are oftentimes expendable assets. Males may rise high in ranks but they are always second-class citizens. Females can rise quick in rank, once they pass their nobility trials. Although, they will still be in a very structured hierarchy. The word of the Ilharess and Yath'tallar are law in game. Please remember that, lest you be slain for disrespect. Rising in the hierarchy can be done in two ways; ingratiating yourself with your superiors and assassination. Your character can buy her way into power by offering gifts, accepting dangerous missions and succeeding, or through an overflow of shallow compliments. This can be accomplished fairly well in game. Assassinations can be made against a superior. This should be cleared with a leader and the member. Failure, however, carries a horrible price.
Drow of the Underdark:
Even among the wicked races of the Underdark, the vast underground tunnels beneath the surface, the drow are the pinnacle of such depravity. These dark elves shun light itself, and the surface with all its lushness. The Spider Queen Lolth is their goddess, a cruel and capricious deity, who values only her own power. The Females of the society rule and places of importance, and the Temple of Lolth rules all things. Among the drow, treachery is common, assassination a tool, and love and pity are things best left for humans. Honor is only for the weak; poison is a great tool. The Drow seek ever to expand the will of their Dark Goddess.
To maintain our Drow persona, the following weapons and armor are recommended: -Preferred weapons: Kryss, warfork, dagger, skinning knife, katana, scimitar, cutlass, spear, crossbow, bow. There are no outright weapon restrictions, but the use of non-traditional weaponry may cause scorn and ridicule. However, the Drow will improvise and adapt to their situations, and the weaponry provided on the surface does have its advantages. -Preferred shields: Bucklers, and metal shields (the circular ones). Although, any shield may be used. -Preferred armor: All leather or studded pieces; shadow ringmail gloves, pants, and sleeves; all shadow chainmail pieces; shadow plate gorget and plate helms(type may vary); and bone arms -- magical versions of these types may be substituted freely. Platemail legs, tunics, gloves, bone legs, bone tunics, bone gloves and helmets are forbidden to all ranks.
Assassination and status:
To the Dark Elves, power and status is everything. The strong rule the society, while the weak cower at the bottom. The Spider Queen does not tolerate weakness within her kind, and all those unfit eventually find their end. The Matron Mother sits above all others as the ruler of the House, and most favored in the eyes of the Spider Queen, otherwise she would not be Matron. The Yath maintains the Matron's rule, and the unswerving faith of the Drow, towards the Spider Queen, Lolth. It is the Yath whom act as judge, jury, and executioner's within the society. To anger a Priestess, is to find your death.
Regardless of your strength, prowess, or charisma; without the favor of the Spider Queen, you are nothing. It is this, that all Drow must undergo several Tests to prove their faith to the Dark Mother. Status and power is given, by those above you. The Matron Mother can appoint, dismiss, or put to death any Drow she chooses. Proving your skill to your Elders is both a good and bad thing. Only the strongest and most devious and deserving drow will attain high ranks within the Qu'ellar. But, also, it is dangerous to give status to someone who can threaten your position.
Assassination remains an easy way to attain power and status. However, to use Assassination as a means of gaining rank, you must first have proven yourself to the Qu'ellar and Lolth. The Challenges of Lolth must have been completed. If you successfully slay an Elder ranking member, for means of taking their position, you must contact a member of the Yath, out of character. If you fail, however, your position is threatened. If the Elder slays you, instead, during your attempt, it is up to them, what course they wish to take. They could throw you to the feet of the Yath, for punishment for your failed attempt. Or, they could take matters into their own hands, and plot against you. Should you choose to throw them to the Yath, you will be unable to take matters into your hands, because the Yath will be watching closely. If, however, you are discovered during your attempt, most certainly you will be given to the Yath for punishment. You may only assassinate another drow one rank above you, to gain in rank. However, it is up to the Matron whether or not your coup is beneficial to the House. Sometimes, even when you prove your strength over another, it is to detrimental to the House, and your work was in vain. Again, discuss with an Elder out of character, to let them know the target of your ambitions, to avoid problems.
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